A Jetlagged
Security Slip
I’m tiredly returning to work after a two-week-long vacation. Did my email oversight trigger a breach?

Problem-solving, strategic planning, analyzing data trends
Redundant tasks, lack of innovation, slow decision-making
• Optimize and manage the
company’s external-facing website
• Enhance the user experience of the
cloud-based customer database
• Ensure the security and integrity of
eCommerce applications
• Oversee integration of new
eCommerce tools and
Refreshed and Ready
After a blissful two-week-long vacation in the Bahamas, I returned to work feeling rejuvenated and inspired by all the stunning sights I’d seen. Honestly, nothing beats a Bahamian sunset. I’m so grateful I was able to share that experience with my family. Despite the jet lag hitting me hard, I was eager to take our online presence to the next level. So, as soon as I sat down at my desk and opened my laptop, I dove right back into work.
My first task came in the form of a Slack message from Shamane. She gave me a brief description of the executive meeting I missed the day before and asked if my team could update our return/exchange policy on Shopify to 15 days after purchase instead of the existing 20 days. It seemed simple enough, so I decided to handle it myself. I went into my work bag to grab my company phone, but couldn’t find it.
Just then, it dawned on me. I thought back to my layover at the Columbus Airport in Ohio and remembered setting my phone down when I rushed to use the restroom before my flight boarded. In my haste, I must’ve left it there. I could picture exactly where I left it, too! I had done this too many times before, so I didn’t think much of it. Truthfully, I neglected to immediately report it as a lost device to IT because I prioritized updating the policy on Shopify, as Shamane had requested.

Following my brief panic attack, I moved over to my computer to try to log in there. However, as soon as I landed on the website, I froze with my fingers on the keyboard. I couldn’t remember the password our team created for the Shopify web editor! It must’ve been the jetlag. Tiredly, I emailed one of our web developers, asking if he could send me the password. He replied that he’d send me a reset link, which struck me as a bit odd. Usually, we’d handle password resets differently, but I was so behind on work that I brushed off my concerns and decided to go with the flow. “Maybe they updated the processes for Shopify while I was out,” I thought. “How awesome!”
Eventually, it hit the end of the day, and I realized I never received the reset email in my inbox. I knew Shamane wouldn’t be happy, but the policy change on the website would have to wait until the next day. On my walk home from HQ, I decided to stop at my favorite sushi restaurant to celebrate a successful first day back before getting home and having a Taylor Swift dance party with my two girls and our husky, Auggie Doggy—our favorite post-vacation tradition.
Jetlag Got the Best of Me
The next morning, the jet lag was much more apparent than before. I woke up early because of it and decided to check my emails. Surprisingly, I found the Shopify password reset email in my Spam folder. As I groggily looked at it, it seemed different from what I remembered—there appeared to be some odd spelling errors, but I was so tired that I barely gave it a second thought. I reset the password using the link provided and thought nothing more of it.