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Thank You to Our Amazing Cast!

Meet the talented individuals who brought the Shutter Pro cast to life in our Logically Threat Factor series.
Shamane Tan
Shamane Tan   Shamane LI
“The CEO”
Episode 1: Quite Possibly the Worst Day of My Life
Wes Spencer
Wes Spencer   Wes LI
“The Chief of Staff”
Episode 2: The Price of Urgency
Chris Cochran
Chris Cochran   Chris LI
“The Marketing Director”
Episode 3: The Rush to Publish
Michelle Ragusa-McBain
Michelle Ragusa-McBain   Michelle LI
“The eCommerce Director”
Episode 4: A Jetlagged Security Slip
CJ Fairfield
CJ Fairfield   CJ LI
“The Store Manager”
Episode 5: One Store's Point-of-Peril
Ed Koehler Jr.
Ed Koehler Jr.   Ed LI
“The IT Director”
Episode 6: IT's Surprise Security Struggle

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